Privacy by default account setting.

Posted on 20 May 2018

Today we introduce a new account setting called:”Default Privacy Protect setting”, which you can access by clicking here.

Setting disabled.

When selected, domain name registrations and transfers will not use our privacy service automatically. This is how it used to work for years.

Setting enabled when free (and available)

When enabled all domain name registrations and transfers will automatically use our privacy service. Regardless if you use WHMCS, our API or the domain name manager.

A list of available TLDs that can be used for this service is located here.

We keep recommending this service as it is unknown if …

Post GDPR gTLD Transfers

Posted on 17 April 2018

Update: 25-05-2018

The procedure below is now live as per the ICANN temporary spec. I observe that not every Registrar was aware of the below situation. If you cannot transfer out your domain name(s) advise the gaining registrar to stop parsing WHOIS data and trying to send FOA emails to the registrant or admin contact, this will no longer work.


The new procedure has been communicated last week by ICANN to all registrars. To view this communication click here,



As mentioned in a previous blog the WHOIS will change drastically over the next few weeks.

At …

The ICANN WHOIS system is gone, the process for a GDPR compliant WHOIS has started!

Posted on 12 April 2018


After twelve months of endless discussions and a looming deadline, ICANN received information from the Art 29 Working Party. 

The EU Data Protection Authorities will not grant ICANN forbearance regarding the May 25th deadline when it comes to the WHOIS. Again the DPA’s re-confirmed their advise towards ICANN and does not deviate much from the advice they have provided ICANN since 2000.

The full press release from ICANN and the Article 29 WP letter can be read here.

Now that it is official there will be no forbearance regarding WHOIS, which was a silly request to begin with, …

Realtime Register GDPR TLD matrix is now public.

Posted on 9 April 2018

Last week we received a lot of positive comments regarding our GDPR TLD matrix. And we had a lot of requests to get access to the matrix.
As a push to create more GDPR awareness, we decided to publish our API on the website for the public, including the GDPR TLD matrix.

You can enter the matrix here.

Keep in mind the matrix has been developed with the Realtime Register processes in mind and in some instances cannot be merely be pasted and copied.

One comment which we received a lot last week was:”wow there are so many …

FAQ Privacy Protect support

Posted on 27 September 2017

Updated privacy protect service

Posted on 14 September 2017

On September 26 we will release a revamped version of our privacy protection service. It contains significant changes and will comply with upcoming EU GDPR and ICANN policies.

Why you need the new privacy protect service

At Realtime Register we value the privacy of your customers the registrants, by using the new Realtime Register privacy protect services you’ll bring your customers privacy to the highest level possible. Regarding domain names, it will enable you to be GDPR ready, saving you a lot of time in this area.

The new privacy protect service:

  • is free!That is, for reselling customers with …

3 benefits of domain consolidation

Posted on 21 August 2017

Managing TLDs at different registrars is pretty straightforward if you have two or three domains. But what happens when you have hundreds (or even thousands) of domains that are essential to the wellbeing of your business? Domain management can quickly become a frustrating, tedious, and above all, time-consuming process. And let’s face it: who enjoys a portfolio that is hard to manage and difficult to change?

Below you’ll find 3 reasons why keeping your domains at a single registrar will help you save time and, as a result, money.

1. Streamline administrative work

It can be challenging to keep track …

4 tips to effectively boost your TLD sales

Posted on 1 May 2017

At Realtime Register, we aim to empower our partners’ businesses by providing an extensive collection of TLDs to choose from. But with thousands of new TLDs released over the last few years and many more still to come, it can be tricky to market all of them effectively. Below you’ll find 4 tips to help you push your domain selling business from good to great!

Already inspired? Go to our domain page!


Tip #1: Present suggestions & categorize

Harsh but true: sometimes the domain name your customers have their eye on is taken. As a reseller, you can help …

IRTP-C Newsletter

Posted on 15 November 2016


On December 1, 2016, the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy will be updated to IRTP-C. ICANN designed this policy to prevent domain name theft. We are not entirely satisfied how the policy has evolved. Because we made serious efforts to steer things in a better direction, the resulting policy offers some hooks to fit into daily operations.

This email covers the following topics:

Summary of the IRTP-C;
Key Concepts;
Affected Operations;
Required Actions;
IRTP-C maintenance window.

Summary of the IRTP-C

If the registrant data is changed in such a way that the ownership might transfer to another person and or organization, …

Calendar: upcoming new TLD’s in General Availability

Posted on 15 July 2016

It is hard to keep up with all new TLD’s . Check out our GA calendar to know which new TLD enters General availability at what day and time. As we go along more TLDs and Registries will be added.

.storage2016-01-1016:00 UTCSelf Storage Company LLCLook what we’ve got in store for you.Registration is unrestricted.
.moi2016-11-2900:00 UTCGMO Registry, Inc.Who? Me? The French TLD that’s for yourself.Registration is unrestricted.
.shopping2016-09-2816:00 UTCOver Keep LLCShoppers will love this TLDRegistration is unrestricted.
.shop2016-09-2615:00 UTCGMO Registry, Inc.The … tracks users anonymously using Google Analytics cookies. Please view our Privacy Statement for more information.