Using WHMCS, Hostbill, Hostfact, or WISECP?

Key Benefits

Our platform is the most advanced solution for domain and SSL management. It works seamlessly with your business, thanks to our wide range of 3rd party modules and integrations. Whether you use WHMCS, Hostbill, Upmind, WISECP, Hostfact, or any other control panel, our platform can enhance your domain and SSL handling and ensure a smooth and automated workflow.

All our modules can be downloaded and used free of charge. All our modules can be downloaded and used free of charge. Sign up for a Realtime Register account, or contact our support team if you’d like to know more about integrating the most advanced platform for domain and SSL management with your business.

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Available modules

WHMCS is the ultimate solution for online businesses that want to grow and succeed. With WHMCS, you can manage your clients, billing, and support in one easy-to-use platform.

You can also automate tasks, customize features, and integrate with hundreds of apps and services. Whether you are a web host, a developer, a reseller, or an agency, WHMCS can help you streamline your operations and boost your profits.

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With HostBill, you can automate your business processes and manage your clients, invoices, and support tickets in one place.You can also take advantage of the Realtime Register integration for domain names with HostBill.

This integration allows you to easily provision and manage Realtime Register services for your resellers. You can offer over 1000 TLDs, set your own pricing, and handle renewals and transfers with ease.

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HostFact is a Dutch administration and billing system for hosting companies. HostFact is designed to meet the specific needs of the hosting business, such as recurring invoices, real-time domain registration, instant creation of hosting accounts and a client management interface.

You can also customize HostFact to suit your brand and preferences, and integrate it with various payment gateways and control panels.

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WISECP is next generation hosting and digital solutions automation. It includes a client area, admin area and a website interface. It has been developed for companies operating in the field of information technologies.

With WISECP, all invoicing transactions, accounting (cash, income, expense) records, client management, product management, support services and many other operations can be carried out easily.

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Upmind is a groundbreaking hosting provider automation system. Built from the ground up by industry experts to power your hosting company or reseller business. Enter your own hosting and payment gateway credentials to be selling straight away.

Sell, manage and support web hosting, domain names, ssl certificates, website builders and more with the ultimate web hosting billing and management solution.

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Using another automation software? Talk to our support experts about the possibilities.

Opportunities for your business

Integrate Realtime Register with your business

  • Easy integration of Realtime Register domains and SSL with your business
  • Use of our brilliant domains and SSL modules is free of charge
  • Adding many features to domain and SSL management
  • Advanced domain availability check, faster and much better!
  • ADAC Domain Suggestions for many extra domain ideas and registrations
  • Realtime Register Insights with free portfolio overview and abuse monitoring & dashboarding tracks users anonymously using Google Analytics cookies. Please view our Privacy Statement for more information.