The migration of the Verisign Thick WHOIS has been delayed until 29th November.
This is a welcome change from the original migration data which was set at 1-August-2017.
We at Realtime Register were not planning to migrate on this data anyways, as we are still reviewing the EU GDPR and its impact.
Currently, ICANN is collecting community input regarding the EU GDPR till September this year. In November ICANN will present the results which will provide more clarity regarding the fact if ICANN is the data controller or not according to the EU GDPR. Furthermore, Registrars expect more clarity at this date regarding the output of personally identifiable data through the public WHOIS.
The EU GDPR will go into effect on 25-May-2018 and will severely impact your business.
A blog post regarding the EU GDPR and how it will affect you as a reseller will follow soon.
ICANN blogged about this migration delay here.